الجدار الخلفي الزجاجي المستقل ASB GlassBackWall

جدار زجاجي خلفي لملعب الاسكواش مثبت بواسطة قوائم زجاجية

تقدم ASB ثلاثة جدران خلفية زجاجية مختلفة. جميعها مطابقة لمواصفات الاتحاد العالمي للاسكواش (WSF). الألواح مصنوعة من زجاج الأمان المقوى 12 مم مع خطوط محفورة يصل ارتفاعها إلى 60 سم على الجانب الداخلي للملعب.

This glass back wall is stabilised with 30cm deep glass fins. The squash court door is opening (DIN left) to the inside and is fixed to hinges at the side.

The fins are fixed to the floor with angles and then the floor I installed. The opening in the floor with around 25cm x 35cm is covered with an anodised aluminium plate.

The ASB Freestanding GlassBackWall consists of two glass panels of 2.13m x 2.75m and a door, which is 90cm wide and made of 12mm safety glass.

This glass back wall is mostly used in connection with the installation of a glass court.

Glass headpieces can be installed any time. For this purpose it is necessary to plan the supporting profiles at the side walls high enough and to fix a steel tube at the right height. The headpieces are then hung from the carrier. Thus all connection details are solved.