ملعب ASB GameCourt

إعداد متعدد الوظائف من ثلاثة ملاعب

ثلاثة ملاعب اسكواش متجاورة مع جدارين جانبيين متحركين تشكل ملعب ASB GameCourt، الذي يوفر مساحة مثالية لمنطقة متعددة الوظائف بجدرانه المتحركة. تبلغ مساحة كل ملعب اسكواش 62.5 متر مربع - والتي يمكن تحويلها إلى مساحة متعددة الوظائف تبلغ 187 متر مربع.

The areas can be changed according to requirements, which make it possible to use it for a multitude of games and sports.

In addition to squash, doubles squash and badminton it is also possible to play other ball games, like basketball, soccer and volleyball, and also to use it for gymnastics, like aerobics or fitness training.

The areas are usable without any limits and they offer multi functionality and flexibility, also in view of future trend sports. More than 30 different sports can be carried out in this court.

The ASB GameCourt is also a show stage for fashion shows, events, disco parties and other top events.

The ASB GameCourt considerably increases the attraction of a leisure centre.