الملعب الزجاجي الدائم ASB PermanentGlassCourt

ملعب زجاجي للتركيب الثابت

يعتبر الملعب الزجاجي الدائم ASB PermanentGlassCourt أحد أهم العوامل التي غيرت قواعد اللعبة في عالم الإسكواش. يعتبر تلف جدران الإسكواش الجصية الناتج عن ارتطام الكرة مع مرور الوقت مشكلة كبيرة لكل مالك أو مدير مركز رياضي، وعلى وجه الخصوص صارت الصيانة السنوية وما يرتبط بها من وقت توقف للملعب هي المشكلة. ومن خلال هذا النظام الجديد أمكن وضع نهاية لهذا الأمر. فبمجرد تركيب الملعب، فإنه لا يحتاج عمليا إلى أي صيانة ويسهل تنظيفه. ويتيح نظام التركيب المطوّر حديثا تركيبًا سريعًا للغاية ونظيفًا دون تراكم غبار أو اتساخات في المركز الرياضي.

All glass surface
A squash court is subject to the continuous hard impact of the squash ball. Plaster courts and, even if in a milder form, panel courts or system courts suffer from this over time. The PermanentGlassWall can withstand this impact forever without damage or signs of usage.

Non-reflective matt finish
The finish of the ASB PermanentGlassCourt Walls diffuses the light and does not allow direct light reflections. The finish also shows no reflection of the players or any other objects behind the court.

No maintenance anymore
The ASB PermanentGlassCourt is easy to clean. The marks of squash balls are in general less than on plaster or system walls. If required, ball marks can be removed very easily with a sponge and just a bit of water. The smooth surface of the glass wall does not allow the rubber to bond with the material and allows for this easy cleaning process.

Fast and clean installation
With our specially designed new fitting system the ASB PermanentGlassCourt can be fitted extremely fast, even on non-level walls. During installation there is no dust, dirt or immense noise so that all activity can continue as regular in the rest of the centre.

Full design flexibility
The colour of the court is determined by a specially developed film coating. ASB can produce this coating in any required RAL colour. In addition we can include logos, graphics or images.

Consistency in reflection and colour
The main problem with matt glass is its appearance compared to other glass panels. It is challenging to get the matt stain right in a way that all panels have exactly the same quality finish. The panels are built from special glass that gets the matt surface in an optimized and automated manufacturing process ensuring each panel is equal.

Wall colours
Standard wall colours in white and matt black are available. Additionally ASB can provide the walls in every non-metallic RAL colour and with patterns or graphics

The option to have custom-designed front walls are a great way to refinance the investment. In this way exclusive naming rights of a court can be offered or high priority advertising space can be created.

The marking lines
Standard marking lines (top outlines, service line, tin) are: red, blue, green and yellow. We also offer customized marking lines.

The flooring
Depending on the colour of the walls a standard wooden floor or a dark wooden floor is recommended. On a court with dark wall colours a white ball is used for play. Due to the contrast to the white ball ASB offers its standard SportsFloor with the same finish we use on the ASB ShowGlassCourt, used for most world class official events. The dark finish is in black, but still shows the natural grain of the wood and does not stain the ball or shoes.