CZ Lokomotiva Beroun Renovation

Renovation of Two ASB Squash Courts at CZ Lokomotiva Beroun: A Fresh Start for Squash Enthusiasts

We recently renovated two ASB SquashCourts at CZ Lokomotiva Beroun. This comprehensive renovation includes surface sanding, repainting, and a complete floor refurbishment to restore the courts to peak playing condition.

The project involved the careful sanding of the court surfaces to remove any wear and tear, ensuring a smooth, even playing field for optimal ball bounce and consistent gameplay. The walls were then repainted with high-durability coatings, guaranteeing a fresh, clean look and precise visibility of all court markings.

In addition to the wall renovation, the floors were also restored. They  were sanded down to eliminate any imperfections, followed by a refinishing process that enhanced their durability and shock-absorbing properties. This not only improves player safety and comfort but also ensures the courts maintain their high-performance standards for years to come.