شريط القصدير القابل لتعديل الارتفاع ASB Height AdjustableTin

لوح جدار اسكواش أمامي مزود بإمكانية التعديل السريع والسهل للارتفاع

يتكون شريط القصدير القابل لتعديل الارتفاع ASB Height AdjustableTin من ألومنيوم عالي الجودة بسُمك 2 مم. يمكن تركيب شريط القصدير المكون من جزأين بسرعة وسهولة في الملعب في أي وقت. يضفي سطح الألمنيوم المتساوي والمطلي باللون الأبيض على شريط القصدير مظهرًا أنيقًا. يتم توريد شريط القصدير القابل لضبط الارتفاع ASB Height AdjustableTin على هيئة طقم تركيب. يتوفر أيضاً خياران آخران (مشروحان فيما يلي).

The upper sloping tin profile is integrated and is covered with red tape (RAL 3000). The tin height can be adjusted in just few steps and it is fit for any international scoring. The surface of the Tin is reinforced and “low” balls are recognised immediately. If the ball hits the ASB Height AdjustableTin, it is clearly audible because of the different sound of impact. Unnecessary discussions about “out” or “low” are avoided.

Depending on skill level and rules of competition, the height of the tin board can be chosen. With very little effort the board can be altered to 48 cm or lowered to 43 cm. The 48 cm high tin is used for normal matches. The tin with a height of 43 cm is used for international tournaments (PSA). This option allows professionals to train on the lowered position as well. Not all centres offer this option so it is a perfect way to attract new visitors to the club.

ASB Height AdjustableTin is:

  • to be installed fast and easily
  • height adjustable for national and international scoring
  • extremely steady
  • made of 2 mm thick high-quality aluminium
  • easy to handle
  • made according to international specifications
  • offering plenty of surface for advertising
  • suitable for every court
  • supplied as installation kit


three position ASB Height AdjustableTin for doubles

Besides standard heights this tin can also be set up to a height of 33 cm for the squash doubles play.

The three position ASB Height AdjustableTin is suitable for international competitions in squash doubles. The width of the court is expanded from 7620 mm to 8420 mm and the height of the tin board lowered to 330 mm from the floor to the top - ASB has reacted to that with ease and answered with the three position ASB Height AdjustableTin, which meets the most strict demands on this thrilling game improvement.

perforated ASB Height AdjustableTin

ASB’s ventilation solution... a specially perforated ASB Height AdjustableTin allowing direct connection of the ventilation or heating system to the court area, which greatly helps to achieve the required climatic and playing conditions on the court.