طلاء جدار الاسكواش

الطلاء المثالي لجدران ملاعب الاسكواش

طلاء جدران ملاعب الاسكواش المصمم خصيصًا بمستوى مطاطية أعلى، مما يجعل الطلاء مرنًا ولا يتفكك إلى جزيئات صغيرة متناهية الصغر عند ارتطام الكرة كما تفعل الدهانات شائعة الاستخدام. يعمل هذا الطلاء كطبقة واقية على جدار الاسكواش ويمنع تلفه من الكرة. إنه الخيار الصحيح الذي يوفر الجودة المتوقعة من ASB.

Our squash court wall paint is the right choice not only for newly built courts but also for renovation, and works with all common squash court surfaces. It gives the squash court a new look and people always find something new more appealing. A newly painted court is like a new toy - it has a great appeal.

The Squash Wall Paint is available in various colours. In this context, also have a look at our ASB RainbowCourts, which allow an entirely different training concept that has prevailed throughout the world because of its intuitive way of giving understanding of the squash game.

Various colour shades e.g.:

Squash Wall Paint - colours

Main advantages:

  • Especially developed and designed for squash walls
  • Best solution for renovation works
  • Easy to apply, no strong odour
  • Available in RAL colour shades
  • Excellent adhesion to common squash wall surfaces
  • Resistant to chemicals, solvents, coolants and cleaning agents
  • High sustainability
  • Scratch and abrasion resistant
  • Humidity resistance
  • Successfully used all over the world and in different climate zones