USA MSquash
Nothing makes us more happy than clients that come back to us again and again to buy more of our courts. This shows that their business model is working brilliantly and that they are 110% satisfied with the ASB quality that we provide for them. Shaun Moxham and his charming wife Katline run a successful squash business with their MSquash Academy, featuring two centers, one located in Port Chester and the other center in South Norwalk. The latter one just received an additional two ASB System100 courts to their existing five System100 courts and their ASB ShowGlassCourt.
الملاعب - نظام ASB System100 الجدران - نظام ASB System100 الجدران - الجدار الخلفي الزجاجي المستقل ASB GlassBackWall الأرضيات - الأرضية ASB SportsFloor الملحقات - شريط القصدير القابل لتعديل الارتفاع ASB Height AdjustableTin